The FAR/BAR Addendum to Contract PDF: A Must-Have for Real Estate Professionals

As a real estate professional, you are well aware of the importance of having the right contracts in place when buying or selling property. However, navigating the complex legal landscape of real estate transactions can be a daunting task. This is where the FAR/BAR addendum to contract PDF comes in.

What is a FAR/BAR addendum to contract?

The FAR/BAR addendum to contract is a legal document that is used in real estate transactions in the state of Florida. The document is an addendum to the Florida Realtors/Florida Bar Contract for Residential Sale and Purchase and is used to provide additional terms and conditions to the contract.

Why is the FAR/BAR addendum to contract important?

The FAR/BAR addendum to contract is important because it provides additional terms and conditions to the primary contract that can be tailored to the specific needs of the real estate transaction. This can include things like financing terms, closing dates, and contingencies that need to be met before the sale can be completed.

Additionally, the FAR/BAR addendum to contract is designed to protect both buyers and sellers by ensuring that all parties are aware of the terms and conditions of the sale. This can help avoid disputes and potential legal issues down the line.

What is included in the FAR/BAR addendum to contract?

The FAR/BAR addendum to contract can include a range of terms and conditions, depending on the needs of the transaction. Some common examples of what might be included in the addendum are:

– Financing terms: The addendum might include details about the type of financing being used for the purchase and any contingencies that need to be met before the sale can be completed.

– Closing date: The addendum might specify a specific closing date for the transaction and include any contingencies that need to be met before that date can be set.

– Contingencies: The addendum might include contingencies that need to be met before the sale can be completed. This could include things like a home inspection, appraisal, or the sale of another property.

– Repairs: The addendum might include details about any repairs that need to be made to the property before the sale can be completed.

– Disclosures: The addendum might include any disclosures that need to be made about the property, such as a history of flooding or a roof that needs to be replaced.

Why use a FAR/BAR addendum to contract?

Using a FAR/BAR addendum to contract can help ensure that all parties involved in a real estate transaction are on the same page. This can help avoid disputes and potential legal issues down the line.

Additionally, the FAR/BAR addendum to contract is designed to protect both buyers and sellers by ensuring that all parties are aware of the terms and conditions of the sale.


In conclusion, the FAR/BAR addendum to contract is an important legal document for anyone involved in real estate transactions in the state of Florida. The document provides additional terms and conditions to the primary contract and can be tailored to the specific needs of the transaction. Using a FAR/BAR addendum to contract can help ensure that all parties involved in a real estate transaction are on the same page and can help avoid disputes and potential legal issues down the line.